Welcome to Jeffrey Sauger's JRN 420

JRN 420 Photography Studio Techniques

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Assignment: Fashion

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Due November 15


Most larger newspapers run a fashion spread weekly. Fashion can be a fun diversion from the everyday assignments of a photojournalist. With this assignment, you will get to take total control over the light, the clothes, the message, and the model(s). Make this fun. Shoot a situation that will make the viewer stop and ponder. Make a point with this image. Come up with an idea that communicates a message. Props and clothes are paramount.


Shoot two fashion photos on location (inside or outside). You may replace one with a studio fashion photo. You may use as many lights as you like, however you must provide the main light. Ambient light can be used as supplementary light only. Vary your lighting and shoot a large variety of images. Do not use on camera flash.

You may use color or black and white. Work in pairs of two. This will give you an assistant when you shoot. Bounce ideas off each other.

• Scout locations. Find an area that is not commonplace. Make the location reflect what you are trying to say. For example:

  • A junkyard
  • A swanky place
  • Interesting architecture
  • The beach
  • Inner city
  • A church
  • Under a bridge
  • Alley

• Rapport – Make your model feel comfortable. Happy or moody, you take total control. Let your model go nuts on his/her own when appropriate. Allow more time than expected for models to get ready. Check out the 10 Tips for Working with Models from Light Stalking.

• Use cell phones for communication when using a long lens.

• Look through fashion magazines for ideas but don’t copy them verbatim.

• Don’t forget the clothes and/or the message. Use props.

• Shoot something as planned and then go nuts and try something you have never done before.

• Shoot two completely different situations with different models. Both can be on location. Or you can shoot one on location one in the studio.






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